"Good evening Simina." Maithien greeted with a smile on his face on her heels up the stairs. "I don't believe I ever said before. But excellent job on the engines." And indeed so. If it hadn't been for her it would have added days on their flight. Maithien felt sick at the thought of losing time. He went to give Simina a pat on the back for her good work, but he had forgotten how much shorter she was than him. So his hand merely whiffed above her head. Maithien coughed awkwardly and then stayed silent. Hoping she didn't notice that had happened. [i]"Ah my friends all is well!"[/i] Oh! An excuse to leave this conversation! Turning around quickly Maithien realized that it was Arthur. Where in the world had he been all this time!? One of the few fellows that bothered to show up before the rest of this... [i]feminine[/i] lot. For what little Maithien knew of Arthur, which was he had a nice hat and he had bothered to both sign and turn in the papers Maithien had given out. He liked him. Bactracking to the papers Maithien recalled that most of the contracts and papers, signed or otherwise, were left at the docks. Which made him frown for a moment. "Hello Arthur!" He said. Quickly pacing his way towards the excited man. And away from the dwarf he may or may not have offended. [i]"I [b]believe[/b] we're in Braelv"[/i] Believe? Did no one on this ship listen to him? Or bother to look at a sign? "Indeed, Braelv! Interesting place. But we hopefully won't have to spend too much time here. Mainly need to get something. Though we will of course need to get a Doctor for our birdman I suppose." At this he jutted his thumb behind him. Though to be honest he didn't really have a clue where that psychopath was. "With luck we we'll be out of here and will have found the treasure before you all start greying." Maithien abruptly stomped on the deck and shouted once more. "Everyone out!"