[i]Today is the day... Starting today, I am a Host.[/i] Anjii Mikame straightened his tie in the mirror, preening and preparing himself for his first day entertaining the young women of Ouran. There was alot at stake here. Ever since The Host Club became a huge social and financial success under its founders, Kyoya Ootori and Tamaki Suoh, it became a big deal to become a host or hostess. to the point where commoners were even offered full scholarships, called the Fujioka Grant, for similar successes on a smaller scale with their Host Clubs. And the wealthy? Even though the Host Club was always limited to a certain number of members depending on demand (which there was always plenty of) and therefore only a very small number of Hosts were ever admitted, Patriarchs of most of the filthy rich families attending Ouran always insisted their son or daughter at least try to be admitted. Including Anjii Mikamoro, head of the company Anjiil Feathers, and Mikame's Father. --- "[b]So you are soon to begin school at Ouran like the rest of your family?[/b]" "[i]Yes father.[/i]" "[b]I assume you are aware of the prestigious Ouran Host Club?[/b]" "[i]Of course father[/i]" "[b]I have arranged you to get a special interview with the clubs planning coordinator. You have a rare opportunity that not many other applicants will get. Do not disappoint me. I suppose I can reasonably assume that my responsible son has already submitted his application for candidacy?[/b]" "[i]Thank you Father. I won't disappoint you father. Of course father.[/i]" --- "I have arrived... Abandoned Music Room 3... I wonder what I will find when I enter this place..." Slowly Mikame steps forward and turns the knob. He pushes his way forward, and is greeted with many eyes upon entering. There are many smiles in the room and everyone seems very happy... [i]Yeah...I think I could thrive in a place like this...[/i] ---