Eliza quickly rushed back into the kitchen, heading straight for the freezer. But before she did, she stopped next to the dish that Kyo had previously set down. Secretly, she took a spoon full and giggled playfully to herself. She wasn't sure why, she just felt kind of childish. She still had a mouthful of the salmon dish in her mouth as she grabbed a bag of frozen peas. She would have grabbed some actual ice however she couldn't see a bag to hold it in. It's not like she was planning on just carrying it with her hands. Once she had taken the bag of peas, she began to head outside and noticed that Dante had already gotten up and was walking towards her. Out of surprise, she had swallowed the mouthful of fish quickly. In fact, she had swallowed so quickly that it almost felt like she had taken in too much and she began hacking and coughing, trying to clear her throat. She had noticed that Dante was also carrying her bag as well and she quickly headed over to him. "I thought I told you to lie still," she said as she quickly placed the bag of peas on Dante's head, almost maybe too hard. She reached out her hand, waiting for him to hand over her bag as she kept her other hand on the makeshift ice pack.