A few things: 1) The eastern bridge had already been taken by the 1st Mechanized. All you needed to do was cross it, head down the road west, and cross the bridge behind the airfield to hit them from behind. 2) I'm going to try to get a post out, and I'm probably going to have some of it take place prior to this whole leadership takedown thing, since I'm going to be assuming the 1st Mechanized was already engaging the forces at the airport before the arrival of Darcs' guys. And also because I feel Darcs made it seem a bit easier than it should have been, and I don't really want to make a post about how my guys just rolled in almost completely unopposed. No offense, or anything. I know you said you had to rush your post. I'd just prefer to have something good to post about. You seemed to have wrapped it up a bit too early.