I think it's adorable when people who love each other can point out one another's faults without them taking offence. To me, that just feels right. It's not an insult if it's true you see. As for "This time set" since this is earth not earth, I think messing around with some of those honestly foolish ideas about men and women from the apparent era is nice. It's why he that's that his father cheats on hi mother and how everyone accepts it. It's why his best friend is a non conventional woman. And it's also why he sees what his younger older brother's do as despicable. He feels that women should be allowed to speak their minds just as much as men can, should be treated as people and not property, and be loved and cared for in such a way that they are still free to pursue their own interests. She only talks this way, really, around Amano and Gavin, since they accept and love her for it. She does not come off as bratty to me, but a strong woman who agree with Amano fully. I find Raoul's wife almost sickeningly timid, and his mother pitiable. The mother should have dumped Amano's dad a long time ago as the cheating pig he is, and Raoul's wife has a personality I would not wish on anyone. Yeah, she's adorable, but that's about it. She's gonna spend her life as an accessory, and that's just sad. . . .So, while you find her rude, I find Laiza admirable, and soon enough, at least I pray, Illiendi will realize that Amano is not shamed by these things and doesn't want anyone thinking he is. He loves how open the two are, and while her foul(By the way ass as in donkey was not a swear word. She was literally calling him stubborn) mouth as it appears on occasion is not particularly attractive, he's actually glad she is comfortable enough with him and herself to say such things around him without that inbred fear of being smacked for it.