-Eien : Heavenly Host = Infirmary- Eien sighed with relief that the girl wasn't inherently evil, however he was still worried about the other evil spirits he would encounter in the school and the violent version of this girl. He looked over to see the condition of the two girls asleep next to each other on the beds. They seemed to be in good condition, despite the fact that one of them was undead in one way, but he was still glad that the two appeared to be ok. He smiled briefly at the two girls before returning his attention back to Seiko who proceeded to explain to him about the few others snared by this heavenly curse. "(So I ahould probably be on the look out for spirits what wish to whisk the life out of everyone and I. I should keep up my guard at all times and try not to make a sound, lest alerting the spirits to my location. Hopefully I don't accidentally invoke one of them like last time, unless I can identify them as one of my unknown allies who were spirited away from the world of the living. However, it should be easy to find Mayus spirit if I can find her lingering around or if she appears to me. However, I don't know what Morshiges spirit looks like so it should be a bit more difficult. I need to find his student ID as soon as possible.)" He began promptly listening to her as she began listing off the other members who were damned here, however Eien felt he might of struck up a harsh topic when asking her the question. Even though he knew that he had to know, he felt horrible for asking the question. He really didn't enjoy seeing others in sorrow, and would much prefer himself in a saddened person place rather than the person in pain. He keep up his little facade, smiling despite how he felt for the time being. "Sorry for asking that question... I feel its necessary to collect these ID's, as it could bring back the memory of those who died back to the realm of the living. I want to show that you guys were real, and not a figment of a few peoples imagination... Just... Just like I believed before." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, going back on what he used to believe about the ones they lost in this horrid place. They had managed to convince him of the reality that he was ignorant of previously. He noticed that the girl had gone from a rather gloomy mood to a rather cheery disposition with a mischievous glint in her eyes. He was curiously afraid of what she had to behold, but it turns out that she just wanted to know what the name of Naomi and Satoshi's child. After that, her face turned from a rather humorous and cat-like one to a rather thoughtful and sober disposition. She stumbled on her words as they question on if they were ok, which caused Eien to ponder on their state of mind. "I honestly don't know how they are doing since I seldom talked to each of them since the incident. I think they're still a bit shaken up and unstable after the loss of you three, but I'm sure they're ok! I'll make sure to relate what I can to the four of them, however I'll make sure to ask Naomi that question for you. Heh, I didn't know she had a thing for Satoshi... I thought she teased him just cause, heh." He let out a brief smile, with a tiny chuckle before clearing his throat and going back to his serious and stoic demeanor. "Well, anyways... After I ask them, I'll try and related back what I know to you guys... If I can ever figure out how to commune with you guys, without ever returning to this dangerous place... Now that I think about it... That paper scrap is probably very important to us, so..." Eien leans over to Mayuri, and quickly procures her scrap of paper, and student ID. He takes a brief look at the two before placing them in his pocket, mainly to safeguard them until his return to the infirmary. He then gives the trio a solemn smile filled with determination, and began heading towards the infirmary door. As he reached out to grab the door and open it up, he turned to Seiko, and spoke to her one last time before leaving the infirmary. "I'm holding onto Mayuris ID and scrap, just in case anything happens during my leave. From what I know, I could be collecting a few IDs, to comforting the spirits of this school, whether it be of our friends or others... As long as they're friendly and not out for blood in any way possible... However..." "If I do die and she returns to consciousness, can you please tell her where my corpse is so she knows where to find our IDs and scrap if I am incapable of lingering around of a spirit. I'll be gone for a couple of minutes, so can you try to stay around here until I return if you can? Thats all I can ask of you for now." After he asked of it, he would pop his head into the hallway to scan for any forlorn spirits, and quickly recalled one more thing. He popped his head back into the infirmary, slightly a bit red around his face. "And, uhm... One more thing if I can't return and can't inhibit this space as a spirit if I die... M-mind telling Mayuri that.... Erm... Th-that I love her? That's all I really wanted to say..." His face flushed with a bit of a reddish tint, his face brighter than the sun that existed in the sky above the realm of the living. He poked his head out one last time to check for spirits, and if their were none in sight, he would leave the infirmary. [Obtained Mayuris ID and Mayuris Scrap of Paper]