[quote=Blitzkrieg] I am getting curious about star-bound now, can someone give me a reasonable explanation of the game? [/quote] You play as one of Six [Seven upon official release] races. The Apex are a race of highly advanced ape-people, once resembling humans, who used a scientific form of evolution to increase their mental growth by leaps and bounds in exchange for slight devolution in physical appearance. Think Planet of the Apes, but, less Ape-like. Their government is highly totalitarian and is sort of a "1984" type deal, with the Big Ape seeing and controlling everything. They are easily the most technologically advanced race. You play as an Apex who wished to escape the control of the Big Ape. The Floran are the youngest and most primitive of the races. They're plant people. They are heavily tribal, as well as normally being violent, and spread like weeds. Their main goal in spreading across the galaxy is hunting and procreating. There are highly intelligent Florans, but most are fairly primitive and only interested in hunting a stabbing stuff. You play as a Floran who had grown tired of his people's savagery toward one another, and are out looking for your own big prey. The Glitch are a race of robotic beings who were created by some currently unknown super-race in time immemorial to simulate the progression of life. The Glitch were created to simulate emotion and organic needs and desires just like any other race, thus why they have genders as well as requiring food, and becoming cold. Of all the races this super-race created, the Glitch are the only ones that did not wipe themselves out, as some sort of faulty programming caused them to remain stuck in the middle-age era of scientific progression, while the others all became very advanced technologically but not socially. Basically, robot-knights. They usually follow orders from a King in a castle, and from what some of the Codex entries you can find talk about, it would seem they all tend to share a consciousness. They reproduce by literally building children, and occasionally these children are created with a birth defect which causes them to feel human-levels of emotion and thoughts, and are not a part of the collective intelligence of the rest of the race, so, they are hunted down relentlessly. You play as one of these Glitch. The Hylotl are a race of, basically, oriental fish-folk. They are said to be very passive, which is what led to their homeworld being taken over by the Floran, as they basically invited them in as friendly neighbors. You play as a Hylotl who has just escaped his homeworld after the Floran attack. The Humans are...humans. Most are a part of the USCM, the United Systems Colonial Marines. Most humans are honestly a bunch of dicks. You play as a human who has left Earth because it has been totally depleted of all resources. Avians are bird people. Most worship the God Kluex, who was a member of their race who was deified after his death due to being the one who brought his people into the space age. Avians are very old-fashioned, and even though they were gifted with advanced technology, they still tend to live in low-tech cities or temples. The Clipped Council is the big religious hullabaloo on their planet who are basically the Catholic church of the Avian people. They control everything, and pretty much say that all of your time should be spent worshiping Kluex so you can regain your wings in the afterlife. Some Avians do not agree with these teachings and abandon their home planet of Avos, seeking religious freedom. These Avians are called the Grounded, and are shunned by the rest of their people. You play as such an Avian. Lastly, there is the Nova Kid, which is a race that will be released when the game officially releases. They are a race of gas-beings born from the heart of a sun or something to that effect. The metal symbol on their face represents their personality. The Nova Kids are not very bright, because they have an extremely short attention span, which is also why they have no recorded history. This also means they tend not to have very impressive technology at their disposal either. At one point, the Avians may have also worshiped them as Gods, as according to a codex, before Kluex was deified, the Avians worshiped the "Sun born." Also, the Nova Kids are wild-west themed, for some reason. At the moment, not many quests are implemented in the game, as it's only the Beta, but according to interviews the creator intends to have a very large amount of quests and whatnot, as well as a main story that the player can play through. There is going to be a ton of stuff to do, even more than there is now. All planets in the game are procedurally generated, so no two are ever exactly the same. Likewise, the stock monsters you will find on the planets are also mostly procedurally generated, so you'll find different looking enemies quite often. I'm just waiting for them to implement spawn-placement in the next patch so that I actually feel like building a house.