Alistair sat in the front hallway, cross-legged and staring at the wall. He felt sensations that were not external, but internal. In his vision he saw several silhouettes, perhaps a girl, or an old lady; he could not tell. "This memory is a little foggy-" Alistair stated to the thin air between himself and the wall. "You may be right Zach... This definitely does not feel like the memories I had back then." Alistair slurred almost inexpressibly. He two more minutes staring into the wall without blinking, then he snapped back into reality. [i]Something doesn't feel right, right Zach? Lead me the way will ya?[/i] Alistair thought to himself. He stood up and stretched his arms and arched backwards. Alistair found himself walking almost automatically down the hallway. He strolled down the hall with wide eyes, looking at the floor and watching his step as he avoided walking in any particular fashion or pattern. "Zach, do you ever dream 'bout back then? You know, before I met you? The darkness, was it? Can't remember, huh, that's totally fine Zach-" While talking to Zach out loud through the hallway, Alistair became startled as he heard a significant voice yell in the kitchen. His jumped up and shrieked out loud.