[quote=GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow]They were called in after the Second War because everyone was like "WHOO NO RULES NO PARENTS". Third War became a battle over the Lesser Grail with the Nazis and whatnot, but I don't recall it ever being said to have been destroyed.[/QUOTE] Granted, I got my muddled here. 3rd war and onward the Church was involved. [quote=GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow]That wasn't really public knowledge. Even the mathematicians aren't going to know something like that.[/QUOTE] But wouldn't the supervising Church keep records of who participate/who won/the general goings on of the war? Like I mentioned in Yulia's biography, her whole investigation started with snooping through 8th Sacrament records. Since the Church is in charge of controlling information and cover-ups for the war, I'd think that covering up Bluebeard's Tentacle monster's appearance in the middle of the river would have been a big thing. [quote]See above.[/quote] Again, wouldn't the 8th Sacrament keep records of the happenings of the war? [quote]Nani?[/QUOte] I've seen that Q&A before, but nonetheless the Third Lesser Grail was destroyed and the fourth war didn't come any sooner, so it seems inconsistent. [QUOTE]Can you give me a source on the Third War's Lesser Grail getting destroyed? It was a fight over the Grail, but like I said, I don't recall it being said to have gotten destroyed.[/QUOTE] Fate Complete Material III: World Material, in the timeline on page 7 [quote]1930s Third Grail War Held on the eve of WWII. There were battles over the Lesser Grail with the Imperial Army and the Nazis as well, and the fighting unfolded in the Imperial Capital, but the Lesser Grail was destroyed and the ritual failed. The evocation site of the Grail was at Fuyuki Church. Angra Mainyu was taken in and the Greater Grail was contaminated.[/quote] That's also why the Einzberns started using Homunculi as the vessels for the lesser grail, so that it could protect itself. [QUOTE]See the Kiritsugu thing above.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure where you're going with this 'see above'. I'm not suggesting information on Kiritsugu is common knowledge, I'm suggesting that an exhaustive investigation conducted over 6 years by an inhuman intellect might turn up a pattern. I guess if you want to flat out say there are no leads and no one knows anything about it, that's your call as a GM. [QUOTE]Like I said, the suspicion that something's "wrong" with the Grail System is fine, but it'd pretty largely have to be vague. The level of information you want just isn't available.[/quote] Saying the information isn't out there feels a bit weak-sauce to me. Atlas' first director took information and extrapolated all the way to the end of the world; I'm not suggesting Yulia's anywhere near as good, but Nasu's alchemists can make some pretty ass-pull predictions and conclusions, and I still don't think I've gotten into ass-pull territory with what I'm asking for.