[quote]小聖杯を巡り帝国陸軍やナチスを交え、帝都を舞台に戦いが繰り広げられたが、小聖杯が破壊され 失敗。 The Imperial Army and Nazis clashed around the Lesser Grail. The battle was fought on Imperial turf, but the Lesser Grail was accidentally destroyed. [/quote] Ah right, my bad. Got confused, for some reason. Either way, it's not contradictory, you just need to check the wording. [i]Q: Even though it should only happen every 60 years, was the 10 year gap between the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars as short as it was because the Lesser Grail was destroyed [b]before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway[/b] trapped some unused mana in the Grail?[/i] Third War would have just seen the Grail destroyed too late in the game, when direction had started but hadn't been completed. Of course that's never said outright so it's iffy, but it's the quickest way to non-contradiction. [quote] I'm suggesting that an exhaustive investigation conducted over 6 years by an inhuman intellect might turn up a pattern. [/quote] You're overestimating how much Atlas cares about the outside world by a lot. Either way, the only people around for the event you're saying they know were Kiritsugu, Gil, and Seibah, info gathering doesn't change that. They can know his ideology, sure, that wasn't what I was speaking to. [quote]Atlas' first director took information and extrapolated all the way to the end of the world[/quote] Mhm, but that's the point of Atlas. Their whole basis is that their alchemists will reach the result that you can't stop the end of the world, and will go crazy once they learn that and do everything they can to override it. It's just the result of MATH. Not even Sion can do what you're saying though, and you're sub-Sion by a lot. Problem is that you're trying to solve a math problem when you don't have the variables. It's not like Dust of Osiris's Not!Moon Cell, you're way more limited than something like that in terms of your intel. You've got that in War Three the Einzberns screwed up for some reason and the Grail got smashed, then in War Four there was a tentacle monster and the Grail got smashed again, and that time when it got smashed the place it was in got wrecked. That can lead to "Yo, something seems weird with this cup, maybe it's evil". That can't lead to "the grail has been tainted by something literally evil, [b]it no longer grants wishes[/b], and the contents are dangerous". Anyway check what BB said on the other stuff, he put it together better. --- [quote=BB]I'll cough on you.[/quote] Love you too~