Marinette was brought out of a musical trance by Hazard's comment. She looked at her fellow sand dweller with a confused expression. "But dude-- TV dinners are the best." The mention of rocks prompted her to get up and stretch, she aimlessly paced the room before continuing, "Like, no offense, Catty, but have you guys never been to K-Wall-Trader Joes-Mart? They just expanded their selection of Girl Scout cookie flavored Pad Thai. Shit's amazing." She rested again against the back of the couch, the song currently blasting into her artificial ears was some odd mixture of reggae, soft rock, hip hop and washing machine sounds-- very soothing. Ness, the player behind the character, much preferred convenience and practicality over senseless hassle. Having grown up practically impoverished, he found extravagant meals to be a waste of time and money, and gravitated toward the simple and fast-- having practically lived off of ramen since middle school, this habit bled over into other things, and it was why he found Paradise-- the character he could be, as well as the world itself, in it's elegant simplicity-- so desirable. With access to the internet, he could take his classes and do his work from here. It was a perfect set up. "And I'll be honest..." Marinette continued, leaning her head back with the beat of a song only she could hear, "I think I've had the best food while in here..." Ness had been logged in as Marinette for about 72 hours at this point. "But [i]MAYBE[/i], that's just a lame and corny reason, like the power of friendship or something..."