Rayn like usual had been up the entire night. Her normally peaceful blue eyes were wide and had dark rings beneath them. She ran her hands through her lilac hair pulling the tangles through easily. She stretched her arms up then behind her working out the sore joints from the restless nights. She sighed into a yawn clenching her tired eyes tightly for a few seconds to relieve them from the sun that poured into her room. She stood up from her bunk wobbling a bit off balance. She pulled on a dark sweater and some jeans leaving her shoes for later. She stretched up high once more standing on her tiptoes then she started to head tworeds the bathroom to see if she could wash the sleep out of her eyes. She noticed the group had sort of vacated into their own little places in different pairings. She didn't mind being on her own, she was very well used to it. When she left to the surface her "goodbyes" just consisted of a hug from her father and a short wave. Rayn was actually surprised she was even recruited for this trip. She knew her talents were useful to some extent but she never knew someone might recognize that. After washing her face she returned to her room, she started to gather all her books into separate piles. They had filled almost every corner of the room, but reading up on the mundanes was extremely interesting to her. After some what pulling together her mess she went out to the halls peering around curiously she saw Jeff and Dahlia out on the balcony. She watched them absent mindedly for a bit them snapped herself out of her trance looking down quickly. She envied Dahlias confidence to approach people like that. Rayn hasn't spoken a word to any of the group since they had been together, they seem to trust her to do her own thing, and none of them certainly tried to spark anything with her. As far as approach though Rayn has very much kept to herself. She pulled her long hair to one side nervously walking silently to the kitchen hoping she didn't get caught staring, it was probably the first contact she's made those few weeks. She sighed once more rubbing her eyes softly, she felt starved from staying up all night but when she spotted Holly in the kitchen she turned around to give her her space. Her only retreat was back to the hallway, she leaned against the wall patiently trying to avoid eye contact with the two golden outside, their only barrier was the glass door to the balcony. She was sure they would dismiss her anyway, rank differences and all.