Yeah, that's why I want interaction. Our leaders are all different, so it'll be interesting to see how they get along. I think of Hathaway as being a cool guy who doesn't really mind good people who've proven themselves (even though he called the Slags 'mole-people' ;P). I think the drama will come in once people find out he sympathizes with the NCR pretty heavily and will probably actively avoid fighting them if he can. He doesn't really like former raiders and the like, though. As for the bridge thing - It's fine, I guess. Maybe the resistance was a little further down from where the bridge is, since I never said the guys who took the bridge advanced south afterwards. I just said they took the bridge after a brief firefight. So, like.. maybe the bridge was under the control of a few 1st Mechanized guys, but a few bad guys were still holding up further down the road, not too far from the bridge itself.