[center]29[/center] --- Evelynn was seated in a velvet chaise lounge near a smaller set of doors that resembled the grand doors of the main entrance, and she looked on in cold greeting to the six mages that approched her. As she stood she observed each of them silently, making snide remarks in her head about each one of them. [i]Oh look, there's one average, two that are slightly better, a nasty animal and two novelties...[/i] She thought of them in terms of the taste of blood-- she had tasted the blood of all the races save for that of a nymph...the immortal fey didn't travel around too much, but she imagined they tasted sickly sweet and that wouldn't do at all. Oh no, it would make her stomach upset! But she had spent 293 years knowing what she did and didn't like, and right now she didn't like the look of these chosen Sages...well, maybe she liked the looks of [i]one[/i]. But there was no way she'd be expressing any real interest in him. After all, they were all like children to her. "Hello," she started off, adding a curt nod to accompany her official greeting. Already one could tell her tone was much different from Amalia's, and that's the way Evelynn wanted it to be. She wasn't going to be their friend, no matter what Amalia said. "As you all know now, my name is Evelynn and I am the...well, [i]your[/i] 'counselor,' if you will. I am here to show you around and help you with any of your needs while you are here at University. If there are no further questions-- and I hope there are none-- let's get started." Without waiting for any responses she turned on her heel, opened the smaller set of doors and walked through gracefully. The door opened up to a large main hallway lit by lanterns that seemed to be supported by nothing but air, and they carried bright orbs of light from within. They were, of course, fueled by magic just as the rest of the castle was. The walls were a subdued off-white, decorated with paintings, the floors were lined with a luxurious rug, and the decor consisted of tables and pedestals that held vases depicting different events in the history of the world. As they reached the end of the hallway, it branched out to three different directions: left, right, and forward; this was where Evelynn paused. "These hallways branch out to different parts of the university. While they all lead to the same places, they do look different to everyone that passes through. For example, if I take a look to my left I see a pit of blackness, and to my right I see a dead wasteland..." She paused and glanced back at those following her, and sighed. "It was a joke. Because I'm a vampire?" She flashed a toothy grin that showed off her fangs, then rolled her eyes and continued speaking. "The appearance of the hallways look like the interiors of the old, old structures of Tellus, back when they were beautiful and glistening with life. Anyway, let us continue." She took a left, walked up the steps and led them past various doors and other hallways. The few students that walked around seemed to shy away from her, not out of fear but out of a silent respect. Evelynn was not known to be a strict enforcer of the university rules, but when she got angry it was as if she brought chills wherever she walked. She nodded in greeting to a few of them, keeping a brisk pace as she walked, the long tendrils of her lavender chiffon dress shuffling mildly with the movement. She pointed out different general areas, noting that sets of corridors were often devoted to different areas of study, six of them being the different elements. After two rights and two lefts, she slowed down near the opening of a larged curved hallway on the right. It was almost as wide as the main hallway, but on the far back wall it had three doors that were quite spaced out. The entrance to the far-left tower had a symbol of darkness and water carved above the door, the center tower door had the symbols of Earth and Light, and the far-right tower had the symbols of Wind and Fire above the door. "If you haven't guessed it already, we are at the back of the castle near the towers that you probably saw from quite a ways away. They are your rooms while you are here... we couldn't have you special students live near the ordinary students; that would be absurd!" She paused again then sighed, but waved her hand forward in gesture to the three towers. "As Amalia has told you, your rooming arrangements are as follows: Wind with Fire, Earth with Light, and Water with Darkness. All of your necessary belongings and immediate desires have been brought up for you. This includes decor, clothing, and bath items. If you need anything else-- and gods forbid you do not-- then contact me. I may or may not answer you depending on how I'm feeling. Or if I'm feeding." As she said this, her eyes turned a dulled red, making a sharp contrast against the paleness of her skin and white-blonde hair. Evelynn laughed. "Oh, well, look at that, I must be off! I do hope the staff has brought in a tasty treat today...Or you could be my treat,” she said suggestively to the coal-skinned demon standing at the back of the group, grinning as she said the words. Demon blood was dark and strong much like a heavy ale; drinking from one was something that was seen as a taboo of sorts, and the flavor was an acquired taste. At the silence that followed, Evelynn let out another sharp laugh and turned away from the six Sages, traveling back the way she came. The eerie echo of her voice bounced back until it disappeared altogether, leaving the Sages to themselves.