Silus watched and studied his hunters as they came out to the courtyard. Yasil although younger looked like she could take care of herself, Mosh was a big Barbarian enough said, Jason.... was an odd one, what were the big wigs thinking sending him a hunter that couldn't function on its own, Hikisaka was odd, it was clear the man could hold his own, but something was odd to say the least, Adrian was a fresh recruit with a bit of an attitude problem which Silus intended to do something about, And then there was Atticus, by his lack of equipment Silus guessed he was a mage of some sort. But looks alone wouldn't impress Silus what he was really interested in was their skills. "Sorry Jason, I'm sure your enchantments will help, but this is a test of your abilities and I need to see what you can do, you never know when you will be cut off and on your own I need to be sure you can at least somewhat handle yourself." He answered before walking off to stand in the practice arena. "So as far as this little test goes, it will be easier to show than explain. and I wouldn't want any of you to do what I wouldn't so lets get this started. Bring up a Warbreed." He said making his way to the wall of weapons as a cage was brought up from below the arena. Inside the cage a red skinned Warbreed Orc thrashed around. Silus grabbed a Great Axe from the wall and slid it to the cage before taking a spear and shield for himself. "This first part of the test is to call out an opponent from the captured monsters held by the hunters and defeat it. Now let it out." Silus half explained while falling into his stance. The cage opened up and the Orc charged forward grabbing the Axe Silus watched and prepared for the beast's attack. With a quick roll to the side Silus avoided the first blow from the orc. While the orc recovered Silus quickly stabbed with his spear to the orc's side before hopping back and returning to his stance. The orc howled in rage as it raised its axe again. This time the Orc didn't blindly charge as it had learned from the first hit. This time Silus advanced gloating the orc into attacking again and as he came into the beast's range it swung its axe again trying to cleave Silus' head from his shoulders. He quickly ducked under the blow stabbing again into the orc's chest. The orc reacted by dropping its axe and slamming its fist back at Silus. To avoid the hit Silus let go of his spear and raised his shield. The shield smashed under the Orc's strength, Silus was sent tumbling back but was mostly uninjured. He tossed the shattered shield to the side and the Orc pulled the spear from its chest and readied itself for another attack. Sensing that Silus was weakened the Orc charged again spear in hand. Silus drew his sword and readied for the attack. With a swift movement Silus was able to sidestep the orc's attack and bring his blade up taking the Orc's head. Its head fell to the floor and Silus sheathed his sword and turned to his team. "Now I don't expect every one of you to take on a Warbreed, Infact I want you to take on something you know you can kill. don't take a risk that will get you hurt, or worse killed." He explained. " And once your fight is done you will move on, you will enter the forest where the other Hunter's of the Fort will have challenges set up to test your character." He said stepping off of the arena. "Now I shall watch over your fight and judge your skills so any questions before we start?" Silus asked as some hunters rushed in to prepare the arena for the next fight.