"I am not sure where you get your measurements but an athletic man at 6 foot 6 is suppose to be pretty heavy, I mean Michael Phelps is 6 foot 4 and ways 194." Michael Phelps is far beyond your character in physical capabilities. He is an Olympian who is not only constantly working and is in perfect human condition, with incredibly densely packed muscles giving him that extra oomph that goes into his weight. Your character is fairly scrawny for his height based upon how you described him (hell, I'm six inches shorter and have a bicep width of 19 inches) that really doesnt come across as a person who works out to nearly the extent Michael Phelps does. So if you want to keep him at his height you're going to have a bad time. My character, Ben, is a 6'10, 324lb man. He is huge, and his muscular structure is what gives him his weight because he really is a big guy. Take this [url=http://www.bigdonsboys.com/strength/pages_07_10/images/06_06_320_vince_urbank_014.jpg]picture[/url] for example, which is fairly close to his appearance. He's stocky, even for his size, and he really is built like a little giant. Your character lacks the muscle condition to qualify for that weight class.