Hikisaka Stopped meditating and stood politely to watch the fight. The captain certainly knew how to fight. While Hikisaka knew he had nothing to gain from showing off he felt it was only proper that he prove his value. He looked towards the troll. He was fairly certain he could bring it down but it wouldn't be easy. In fact a fight like that could get pretty intense. That could breed some negative emotion which in turn could allow Ragnos to take control. "It's not worth the risk" Hikisaka finally decided. He looked next to one of the orc warbreeds. While it could potentially be a tough fight it certainly was nothing to be too concerned about. Hikisaka had done battle with and defeated some of Tachikawa's greatest warriors. An orc; even a tough one; was nothing to worry about. Hikisaka walked into the arena, drew his sword, and pointed it at a particularly large warbreed and spoke. "With your permission sir I'll take that one."