"I look forward to seeing what you come up with," Raijin replied, setting Void back down on her back and preceding to scratch her belly, much to the lupine's delight. "And I would totally pet you, Mantam,. . . that sounded a lot less wrong in my head." Raijin's tail laid flat on the floor, signaling his slight embarrassment. He then rolled Void over on to her belly and continued to scratch her, getting that place between her ears that she could never reach. "Let's all pretend I didn't say that, everyone in agreement raise your hand," Which he did, 'or your paw if you are lacking hands." He finished as he also rose one of Void's fore paws into the air. "That's two votes for the motion, any opposed?" Raijin made his voice sound all deep and stern as if he were a judge at a trial.