John was looking at the other students at the academy and he wondered if any of them were any good with their gifts. he a couple who looked like they had potential but he would be the superior one since he believed that his gift was the greatest. He wondered why he was even coming to this school, he had only terrorized a few of the neighborhood scumbags and frightened a couple of mean girls by turning their precious cute little dogs into terrifying monsters which they said gave them nightmares and traumatized them for life, what a bunch of pathetic drama queens he thought to himself as his parents received a later asking him to attend Waverly Academy for gifted people people like him. His parents said that it would be a good opportunity for him to meet some friends and John did admit that he didn't have any friends because they were afraid of him, maybe he could befriend others who were like him. but he still had his doubts since he had read enough children's books to expect the goodie two shoes students would try and lecture him on being a better person with gifts, he spat at the idea. he didn't want to be evil but he found the self righteous types of people to be insufferable. Now that he was at the school he was curious to see his possible competition and he morphed his right arm into a mass of green tentacles and his hand into the head a great white shark and he made black bone spikes grow out of his shoulder. this was his way of telling the other students not to do anything stupid with him. John wondered how his first semester at the academy would turn out and if there would be any trouble that he would have to sort out.