One of the things that I hated as a kid was being punish for something I couldn't control, not just by my school by my mother who by the way is still a great mother. In my Elementary the teachers who tell us to not laugh at peculiar things like a student getting hurt or doing something they should be doing, and half of the time when we can't stop the teacher who use a wood ruler to discipline us by paddling are hand with it, half of the time the teacher would ended up disciplining another student for laughing at the student being punished, this first started in the first grade but thankfully my fourth grade teacher cut my class a break and let us laugh at another student being paddled or acting up as further punishment. The times when driving around with my mother was especially hard with my old Sister continuously miss-behaving to the point where she get grounded once every week or so, This is also the point where my little brother was about 2-4 and would misbehave or talk back. One time I tried telling her that I couldn't help but laugh,Guess who got grounded that day...not my sister.