“Why, what ever do you mean Mantam? I only did what you so [i]desperately[/i] begged me to do.” Raijin kept up his joker grin, laughing like a maniac on the inside. That's what happen's when you mess with a Xenomaster, if you were a beast of course. “That you can be, Cat, that you can be.” He was dissapointed that they Cat had given in, he was icthing to do something. Unlike the 'Prince of catnaps', he couldn't spend hours of time doing absolutely nothing. He gave a whistle, calling Void over, fish still in her mouth. “Your such a naughty little girl, you know that. Keepit up, and your earn yourself a treat of some fox meat, your favorite.” At this Void let out a cheerful howl, dropping the half-eaten fish on the cave floor.