Caroline shook her head at the direction the conversation was going, and snatched the fish out of Prince's hand. "Give me that. I bet you'll just char it. What a waste of a fish." She moved back into the storage area and took the branches she had put in there. She also grabbed the rest of the fish. "If I cook you a meal, will you promise to focus on leveling today? I don't want to hang around Arnoth for a year." She cleared a space on one of the tables and opened her inventory, bringing out a cutting board, frying pan, flint and steel and several spices she had just sitting in her bag. "There, that should be enough," She added, equipping her Katana before closing her menu. She put the fish she was holding down on the cutting board, and stepped back, putting one hand over her shoulder to grab the hilt of her sword. Pausing for a moment, as much to let all eyes settle on her as to focus, she drew the sword and brought it down on the hapless scaled creature in one motion, cutting it cleanly in half. Then she flipped one half into the frying pan with the sword blade, and the other with her hand. She moved to the mouth of the Cave with the wood under her arm to set up the camp fire. "Would somebody mind bringing those spices over while I light this?" She asked.