[quote=PokimKyOshi] Until she knew she was capable, Yume released the sheet of the medical bed and clung on to Shirako, letting themselves through the door that Kiku opened for them. After that, Yume gently clutched on to Kiku's arm for more support. She still had a hard time moving and breathing with pressure being applied to her wound each and every step she took, but the training of Kun Tao she did over the years with her grandfather were more intense than this one. In any cases, she knew she needed to move faster than the pace she was in to find the others as soon as possible, but at the moment, she was really thankful to both the young men who assisted her throughout. The girl asked. She just hoped that nothing bad would happen to them in a huge sudden moment. She remembered the cupboard, the sudden head-aching moments, the spirits.... Yume suddenly spilled out of her mouth. As she tugged both of the boy's arms to a stop. [/quote] Shirako looked at Yume with indefinite confusion. It was evident by his face he had no idea what she was talking about, nor the references to spirits. "What?" He took off his headphones as he asked this, hands in his pockets. "Did you say spirits?" He asked. By his tone of voice it seemed he wasn't too sure himself. Probably because of the overly loud music that'd indefinitely been blaring in his ears the entire time. The hall that they'd all exited into somehow felt...different to before, somehow. It was a strange sensation. It was like everything there seemed a bit off. Granted only Shirako and Kiku could've picked up on the subtle changes of scenery, which was doubtful considering how rushed they were earlier, however everyone, even Yume, could feel a strange sense of unease all around them. It wasn't just unease, it was also something resembling butterflies in ones stomach. The feeling to not want to go through with something or go somewhere. It seemingly rattled all around them here... It seemed to be focused more-so to the northern end of the hall, too. And, with that, a faint though quite disgusting smell also came from that direction. It seemed Shirako had picked up on the scent and feeling, though decided to ignore it, favouring to quiz Yume on the spirits she claimed needed help.