[quote=Kafka Komedy] Yosuke stood back and gripped the rusted pair of scissors fairly hard. Naomi was going to dash up to the ghost guy and probably get herself double-dead, or whatever, and Yosuke was probably going to stand back and watch. Naomi even insulted Yosuke. He thought he had at least a semi-better chance of survival than some other average joe. He decided to help Naomi instead of standing back like a coward. Yosuke placed himself behind her. "If you're fighting, I'm fighting too! I'm no coward, Naomi, just cautious." He said as he readied himself for a fight. [/quote] (Sorry I never got to reply to you, Spriggs. This ones for you and Kafka) The spirit stood absolutely still. Motionless. Not a single attempt to counter or dodge was made to Naomi's attack... Probably because whatever it was she was doing, it'd fail miserably. Whether it was her blade, her foot or her fist, nothing affected Yuuya and all attacks seemingly went right through him. He laughed in torment at her naivety. "Hahaha! Honestly, did you [i]really[/i] think something like [i]that[/i]was going to kill me? Hah! Now it's my turn!" In a split second, Kizami had sent his blade directly at Naomi. Not an ethereal blade, either. This was definitely something real. You could still see the metallic paint on the steel (beneath all the blood and grime of course), and it still reflected what little light it could in places it could spare. It seemed quite likely this was a real blade... Kizami, himself, didn't pay much attention to Yosuke's antics, unsurprisingly. Though if he were to make a move on him Yuuya would almost certainly gain more interest in the boy....