[quote=MiaRainx] Disease whispered in Eliza's head. When Dante had placed his hand on hers, she heard the demon laughing in amusement. She rolled her eyes and scowled, decided not to waste her words on the fiend living inside her. Eliza quickly jerked her hand away and grabbed her back from him. "I'm flattered by your concern but you don't need to worry either. You may find this hard to believe but I can actually take care of myself," Eliza said, raising her head slightly to prove her point. Disease seemed to guffaw at her statement and still, Eliza ignored it. "What are you going to check on anyway? Are you going to look for Katherin too? Because you do realise that if that's the case, then I insist on joining you." Eliza persisted. She quickly opened up her bag and checked to see if everything was still there as it was. She was satisfied and closed it quickly before she continued to walk away from the castle. "Well, shall we?" [/quote] When Eliza's hand jerked from Dante he was surprised it startled him and the sudden movement cuased him some pain. He took a step back and looked at her for a moment not speaking just looking her up and down. Wrath spoke to him, "You don't need her Dante just continue going over the grounds." Dante turned and started walking towards the gate dropping the bag of peas as he walked, wrath had a special influence on Dante's emotions he could make him into a pathetic beast if he wanted to or he could let him have control.