A cacophony of shrieks echoed through the small length of woods that surrounded the manor as a murder of crows dispatched from the thicket and into the slowly darkening sky as the sun slowly descended through the sky. The air seemed to cool off quickly as shadows subtly overtook the brush. Darkness was cast from the leafy canopy above. With the oncoming of night, came the awakening of nocturnal creatures. One in particular kept to the shadows, looking out with boring amber eyes as a young man carrying a tablet passed by hastily, seemingly lost and confused. Faint rumbling roiled out of the shrubs from behind him as he attempted to find his way. The rumbling grew into a bellowing snarl as the bushes parted to let loose a hulking black creature. The faint light of the disappearing sun and the stars above cast a gentle hue on the mass of fur and fangs revealing the form of a large black wolf. Despite the beasts ferocious disposition, it;s eyes seemed oddly blank and almost resembled the eyes of a human, with the exception of their brilliant amber glow.