Reaching the highest branch that was strong enough to support her weight, the young Northerner had scaled the oddly bent tree after meeting the Corians words with her own bit of sarcasm. He was all talk, and no action so far, and Arydnia had no patience for those kind of people. So as always, she moved on impulse and frustration, climbing the tree simply because the other man did not. While she didn't achieve much from this feat, she did finally gather some distance from the group to be amongst her own thoughts. Slowly standing along along the branch, a firm grip on the trunk kept her balanced as her eyes casted over the scenery before her. From her perch at the top of the tree, Arryn could see for miles. It was quite the sight but with nothing but the white trees, and the barren wastes going on for as far as the eye could see, she could only sigh in frustration. While she wasn't expecting to notice a village, or directional marker in such a hellish looking place any kind of path, or sign of life would have been extremely helpful. Before she could begin her descent down to tell the others of what little she had found, a dull sound noise came from the flickering crystal. It pounded heavily in her ears and within the area, steadily, and rhythmically, almost as if it was a heartbeat. As the beat quickened her eyes fell to the other below her as they seemed to react to the odd noise. Any attempt she made to call out to them had been for nothing for any noise had been drowned out by the loud pounding. But just as soon as it started, it was quick to end. Almost instantly the scenery above her began to change. Green eyes grew wide as the sky above grew dark and the moon above bled, staining the large white surface like blood as a red haze drifted over her and the rest of the unlikely group. The wood moaned and shook beneath her feet, forcing her to latch onto the trunk as it suddenly began to bend and reach for the soil. Curving at such an odd angle the drop was only a few feet, so as it drew closer to the ground below, Arryn leapt from the tree. Landing on her feet and falling into a crouch with a soft grunt, she acted almost instinctively as the sharp tips of the branches surged into the ground around her. Doing her best to evade any roots as they staked into the ground, she stayed low and crawled desperately towards the edge of the cage of branches. '[i]I'm not going to make it, I'm not going make it, I'm not going to make it-[/i]' Blood pounding in her ears and fear driving her to rush recklessly ahead, she gripped the hilt of her sword and with a hard swing that sliced clean through the wood, she bursted through the wooden branches and out into the open area. Tumbling to the ground and panting heavily once she escaped, blood pounded in her ears and adrenaline shot through her veins. Inches from death, and escaping with only a few cuts and bruises, the Northerner knew she had no time to count her blessings as she drew to her feet. This fight was only beginning, and as she turned to ready herself for another attack the girl found herself frozen in place. Pulling itself from the black soil, its body took shape, looming high above her as the resounding heart beat rumbled deafeningly in her ears. It was a Treant. “By the gods…” For eighteen years she had been trained and prepared to enter the Labyrinth. To fight and eliminate whoever, and whatever came before her in this hell, but this--this was out of her league, for sure. “[b]I APOLOGIZE FOR SUGGESTING YOU CLIMB THE TREE![/b]” Cenric's sudden yell forced Arryn out of her awestruck state, causing her fall into a run as to gather some distance between her and the beast. "[b]Good god,[/b]" Came Jean as she finally made it to their side, “[b]I don’t want to come off as rude, but I [i]did[/i] you guys.[/b]" It took all of her control not to drive her sword through the Scholars chest, his words continuing to belittle her even as she stood beside him. "Something smart always needs to come out of that mouth of yours, doesn't it Professor?" Raising her sword in a defensive stance, the edge of her blade was kept pointed at the Treants location, "Keep talking and maybe this beast won't be the only threat to your life tonight." She didn't mean this of course, but having no filter, and tensions rising thanks to this new threat, Arryn wasn't about to tolerate the mans unnecessary comments. “[b]Sure. It’s my job to talk about smart things. It’s also my job to keep you alive, so please keep that in mind as well.[/b]” Biting her tongue and keeping her eyes locked ahead, she reminded herself that there were bigger things to worry about then arguing with the scholar. Besides, she knew he was right. Surrounded by Mages, and Warriors, Arryn was undoubtedly the weakest of the group, and she understood this. She was going to need these people more then they were going to need her, and that unfortunately meant Jean as well.