Name: Aveil/Alex Species: Gerudo Specific Description:Like many of her people Aveil has fiery red hair and sand colored eyes. Her build is slight but powerful and despite being only 5'6" she can jump or climb to most places. Her skin is tanned. Perhaps not quite so much as her bretheran as she has not seen the desert since she was fifteen, Is light enough that she can pass for Hylian. She often uses a powder made from ground flowers to dye her hair other colors to avoid being recognized. Typical Species abilities: Like most Gerudo's Aveil was trained in the arts of stealth and precision combat. She is skilled with a curved desert sword called a scimitar as well with smaller knives and hand to hand. Her style of combat relies heavily on speed dexterity. Being able to dodge at the right moment. She doesn't wear Armour because it would slow her down and as such can't take a beating like Gorons or knights could. She's being using lock picks since she was three and all but the most expensive and complex fail before her. She is very good at acrobatics and keeping out of sight. She'd fast and if she feels she cannot win a fight she will not hesitate to run. Personal Skills: Starting equipment: (Keep it reasonable to your character, especially because I will make sure you get any equipment you need.) Home: Aveil grew up in the Gerudo valley, the canyon between the desert and the rest of the world. The weather there was not kind and it taught her to never take things at face value. Backstory: Current Location: I'll finish this later, right now I have to go.