Runo watched as the snake-like being with all the other snakes turned to the hallway to confront whatever was out there. Was it... she? He? Was the other creature going to be okay? Despite how scary it had been, or actually still was to him, he didn't like the thought that it would have to face something even more terrifying alone. What could he do, though? He was still trapped in this tank, and his bag... where was it? As far as he could tell, there wasn't much space for much more than him in here. Maybe one more of him if someone were feeling particularly stingy on space, but then there would be practically no space to move! Just the thought of it was making him claustrophobic! More importantly, that meant that everything he had on him was gone as far as he was concerned at the moment. The spear, the tools, the weird objects that he had collected. [i]Not to mention the work that went into making that bag from that net! It's not the hardest thing in the world, but I don't think I'll find more netting while I'm in here! And the materials for the tools, too! Those weren't easy to get![/i] It was frustrating, but there still wasn't much that he could do other than hope that the other creature would be okay and that he was well-hidden enough with his camouflage for the scary thing in the hallway to ignore. Then he needed to get help. Somehow.