I see your points and conscerns. Im happy to say that I didnt intend on going past any of the intended limits on the bloodweiver or necromancer. The necromancer's whole goal in life is to learn how to bring back a human, so that they could be with their mother again. Had they learned to bring back people, they would never have had reason to come to academy 218. I was thinking necromancy the way it is believed to work in RL, where instead of tampering with the dead, one can gain energy from the presence of the dead. For the bloodweiver, it is a character ive used on other sites many times, and ive molded the character based on greivances. The first of which was controlling other people's blood. Instead i now have him able to control only his own blood, but if his opponent's bloodstream gets his own mixed in, he can influence, but not control them (were talking, making a melee strike more likely to miss, not blowing them up.) there were other changes that i drug the characater through, but i think ill just show you the CS when I apply. The first OOC post says that there is no applying, you must get invited. Im sorry for comming off so cocky. (I just reread my post, and it reminded me of a know it all. Im honestly not like that, and I hope it dosnt effect what you guys think of me.) As far as grammar goes, i have pretty good grammar beyond occassionally forgetting to capitalize an "I" or two. Ill keep that in check, and double checked if necissary to be part of this RP. Im just a mediocre RP'er, trying to inch up the scale to a good RPer, and i found a familiar name. Haha yeah, hope I can keep up to par. I feel like im raunting now, so im going to shut up, and put up. Ill get back here sometime soon with character sheets. As soon as I get a pc in my hands to type with, ill be back. Thank you for your time, consideration, and advice/ request.