[quote=KatherinWinter] They would forced him to walk down the mountain they lead him to the cave where Katherin was being held. He would see her chained to the wall unconscious. The soldiers through him into a cage and go look for their supervisor. [/quote] ...well, wasn't this nice. First It feels like he's being stalked by a wild dog or a bear or a behemoth or something, then he gets escorted the rest of the way down the mountain by these lovely people and practically manhandled into a cage in a random cave. Wonderful. It must have been darker than he thought, though, since he still had his tablet and...what? A meat cleaver? So that's what it was! Not that it would do him any good here, since it clearly wasn't strong enough to break through the bars. He decided to just hide it in his jacket for now. At least he had the sense to wear that when he went out. With that dealt with for the time being, he began to look around the area, kind of wondering why Nightmare hadn't said or done anything during all that. Was the demon asleep, or did it just like watching him suffer? Could it even sleep? The thought went to the back burner when he saw Katherin chained to the wall. He found her! But what did they do to her? She wasn't even conscious! Worried, the dark-eyed boy moved to the bars in an attempt to get a better look. Was she okay? Could she hear him? He typed something on his tablet, turning down the volume to hopefully keep the soldiers from hearing. "Katherin? Katherin, can you hear me?"