@Get the Guild Active Again stuff. I do applaud the effort here, but there are three things I feel the need to point out. 1) A lot of the drop in activity has been cause people got busy IRL, and/or because of the lack of people. To clarify, ever since we went from Old Guild to New Guild we lost the majority of our people. A lot of people we knew and were friends with were no longer around. This caused people to normally be surrounded by fewer friends, which naturally leads to people leaving. So some effort should be also be put on trying to get people to get along and like each other, not simply poke your head in, speaking your own mind and then poof without engaging with others. -Note: It also doesn't help when some people (they know who they are) do the complete opposite, by addressing/treating some of the most active members in their forum section/community as trouble makers/conflict starts simply due to a personal vendetta. Hostility like that also needs to be addressed, because stuff like that is often what draws people away from communities, not to them. 2) You kind of shot yourself in the foot when you said "but any negativity brought to this thread about it will (not maybe) be reported to the Mods". Mainly because that wording is broad enough that it could be used to claim that any kind of critique (even in constructive criticism) is going to be reported. It essentially becomes "Hey guys, let's work together to make this community better. But don't you dare try to offer your own ideas/opinions, or you will be reported". And that's an even worse community killer than the Hostility element I addressed above, making people afraid of being banned/reported simply by trying to help/suggest their own ideas. Now, someone coming in and simply going "This is stupid! Your idea is stupid! Your stupid! Come at me bitch!"? Yeah, that definitely ain't Fonz cool and should be dealt with if the goal is to make a community that everyone wants to take part in. (Personal Note: I do personally tend to prefer communities where individuals are allowed to say things exactly how they see it. No censoring or limitations. But I recognize that only works for certain kinds of people. And it's not the approach to take if you're trying to appeal to a board/wide demographic). +By trying to reduce decision on this (the very topic/discussion meant to try to keep the guild alive) to PM's basically outright destroys community involvement. You might have caused a boost in 1x1 PM's to you maybe, but if people see this idea and find themselves agreeing but then see they can't do it about organizing/improving that very thing you're suggesting? Then it basically becomes redundant. Now, I understand why people might be wary about sharing ideas, constructive criticism etc. Because the majority of times lately when OT has done it, it has sadly reduced itself to a flame war. And majority of the times it happened in spam it basically became "Who can we blame as the trouble maker?". It's not something the Guild community is at the moment good at dealing with. But if you ever want anything to work (especially sitewide) you need multiple people working on it, offering advice, insights, experiences etc. If you shy away from it simply because people won't agree 100% of the time, or because it's a bit more complex than "Hey guys! Let's do X", you're essentially shying away to what a big part of a community even is. 3) You may want to push for the Mods to make separate topics of contests again. There have been several contests attempted to be created the past several months such as WOTM (Writer of the Month) to try to give people stuff to do, and help address the very issues you're trying to address. However, they didn't last long because when buried into other topics like OT or Roleplay Discussion most people don't find/notice them. So they would need their own section for said contests to work. This was something that Mahz had apparently promised to make several times, but never has. So if your goal is to get the community active again, you might want to make one of your orders of business to be getting on the Mods and Admins case to get around to making those. So people can start the contests they want, and use those to help the community launch.