hm.. sounds pretty good nookzer a pretty good character, low magical talent good.. and uses a sacred gear that send out shock waves, sounds like a perfect weapon for a rook. and a tiger for a familiar.. who turns into ichigo kurosaki nice lol. hm.. so far 3 CS not including mine, 1 finished or atlest seems finished rook. 1 finished bishop.. and 1 WIP Rook. pretty good. I should of said something as well. when it comes to rook, if you really wanted you could of said where they didn't have any sacred gear, and low magical talent and you could make them incredibly physically strong. but they wont be the same strength when combined with medium/high magical talent, and sacred gear. Though I do like the characters so far pretty good... now if only we could get more people lol I really hoped I could have a total of 16 join this but probably wont happen.... so all of you guys could control the devils, and I just control everything else, and it could run more smoothly. I tend to have trouble doing certain things when i'm on both sides of a fight lol.