Silus watched as Hikisaka got up and inspected one of the Warbreed. "Sure you can take that on if you like. Just be warned if you haven't fought one before, they are a bit bigger, stronger and smarter than your average orc, most of the time one of those Red skin's become Chieftains more than not." Silus warned as the man walked up to the arena. Silus watched as the cage was brought into the arena and one of the hunters brought Silus a longbow and some arrows. "Give it a weapon if you would like, and know I'll intervene if I feel you are in to much danger." Silus said as he knocked an arrow and watched the fight about to start. As Shinion rode up Silus didn't take his eyes off of the warbreed. "Looks like you made it then, Get into the lineup and be ready to prove yourself." Silus answered. And once Hikisaka was ready Silus gave the motion to release the orc and start the fight.