[quote=Magic Magnum] .3) You may want to push for the Mods to make separate topics of contests again.There have been several contests attempted to be created the past several months such as WOTM (Writer of the Month) to try to give people stuff to do, and help address the very issues you're trying to address. However, they didn't last long because when buried into other topics like OT or Roleplay Discussion most people don't find/notice them. So they would need their own section for said contests to work. This was something that Mahz had apparently promised to make several times, but never has. So if your goal is to get the community active again, you might want to make one of your orders of business to be getting on the Mods and Admins case to get around to making those. So people can start the contests they want, and use those to help the community launch. [/quote] Couple of things, Your post was not on topic, at all. Not one single NPC mentioned in your post and the OP requested people stay on topic. She was stating her intent in mentioning increasing activity, but it was not the topic of this thread. Second thing, the mods can't do anything about the site glitches or the creation of new sections, that's Admin only. You've had some confusion before about where the line is. So if you want to post here again, I'm sure we'd all love to hear your take on NPCs. :sun