Ooh... I like it as far as the game goes. ^_^ He would be of a mind that he can do anything he likes because it's a game, but maybe she stops a group of thugs who managed to recognize him and then make it her "mission" to really make him realize that being a jerk in a game will evebtually reflect into your real personality and change you into a true jerk. Or something along thise lines of how it's still not okay to act that way, even digitally. I think we're ready to start the short growing-up arc. ^_^ I figure we can do a scene or two that shows how close they were as kids - I feel like these two could frame the absolute perfect "boy/girl next door" couple until she leaves without saying so much as a word to him or anybody. As kids/teens it would seem neither could possibly picture a future without the other... so imagine his absolute devestation. Without planning too much into it, I was thinking that she would leave on Graduation Day, and we could do a small piece of the story there, where he stops at her house and they go together, and as soon as the celebrating js over, she slips away. The next day her calls and her parents don't know or won't tell him where she is, she doesn't answer her phone, e-mails, etc.