Hikisaka sheathed his sword and looked at the weapon wrack. He reached for two short swords and threw them into the cage with the orc. Hikisaka then took his place on the other end of the arena with his sword still sheathed he prepared for the warbreed to be released. He held his sheath in one hand and the swords handle in the other. The orc grabbed the two swords with one in each hand. The creature had more than enough strength to wield them both. The cage was opened. The warbreed charged at breakneck pace towards Hikisaka. Still Hikisaka simply stood there in the same position he had started in. The orc closed in and raised its arm to bring down one of the swords on Hikisaka's head. Hikisaka with a single fluid motion drew the sword from the sheath and cut off the hand that was about to land a blow on him. Hikisaka then held his sword in both hands readied a strike to bring down on the orc's skull. However the warbreed panicking jumped back and avoided the second strike. The orc then attempted to strike at Hikisaka with still remaining sword hand. Hikisaka let go of the sword with his left hand and held it firmly in his right as he blocked the strike and simultaneously punched the warbreed as hard as he could directly in the nose. The orc fell hard onto the ground on his back. Hikisaka wasted no time in firmly gripping his sword with both hands and sinking the blade deep into the warbreeds heart. He then loosened his grip and let out a deep breath. He then calmly removed the sword put it back in the sheath. He then walked out of the arena and spoke to Silus. "With your permission sir I need to sit down and rest." In truth Hikisaka had barely broken a sweat but still he was rushing with adrenaline. He knew he needed to meditate and get a handle on his emotions. It had been a long time since he had to fight. He had forgotten the intensity of it. How much of a rush it was. He thought to himself. "Something has to be done about this. I need to adjust myself so I can keep my calm more easily in battle."