After this reply I'll move this to a new topic to discuss [url=]here[/url], since apparently replying the majority of the OP is "off topic" and is to be replied to with passive aggressive sarcasm. [quote=BlessedWrath] My intent was not to censor any critique, hence why I have not tried to do so with you. It was to squash the second type of negativity which you pointed out. I believe that was also OP's point. A critique is the non-confrontational mention of a flaw or a presentation of a logical counter-argument, which you have provided. I don't see much hostility in that critique, thus I do not term it as the kind of negativity mentioned earlier.I respectfully submit that you may have misinterpreted the intent of the pledge to report inappropriate behavior. [/quote] It's fairly likely that I mis-intrepreted it. But I wanted to make sure my point was clear in case I did read it right. Because if I did, then such a movement would do more harm than good.