[quote=darkwolf687] Unionist, Royalist/Monarchist. I also believe in the national dignity, honour and responsibility of the Union to its constituent countries, it's allies, oversea territories, fellow commonwealth realms, Ex-Territories etcI would define myself as a socialist, but I cant be by definition as I support the House of Windsors right to the crown (Indeed, supporting a crown in general is technically anti-socialist). I am generally oriented in that direction however, being for the welfare state and the responsibilities of the crown towards the people. I do of course, also support the responsibilities of the people to the crown. Society is an agreement. You obey the laws, work your hardest and be generally a good person, and you get supported in hard times, protection etc in return. [/quote] It's kind of like how I believe in far taxes but I really don't like liberals and their self righteous dogma. I am also a traditionalist and believe in old fashion aspects of society but I don't like the modern conservative movement, which is why I refer to myself as a centrist, traditionalist, pro government and pro patriotism. My views of patriotism is that real patriots give back to their country and its citizens as a show of their love and pride for their country. I believe that patriotism like with many things in today's world had been hijacked by greedy people who use the word to exploit their country