[quote=Yog Sothoth] It's kind of like how I believe in far taxes but I really don't like liberals and their self righteous dogma. I am also a traditionalist and believe in old fashion aspects of society but I don't like the modern conservative movement, which is why I refer to myself as a centrist, traditionalist, pro government and pro patriotism. My views of patriotism is that real patriots give back to their country and its citizens as a show of their love and pride for their country. I believe that patriotism like with many things in today's world had been hijacked by greedy people who use the word to exploit their country [/quote] Patriotism is all too often misplaced or exploited, such as by the Anti-EU wings where I live in Britain. There's nothing wrong with patriotism, I myself have a lot of pride in my country, but patriotism is best taken with a dose of scepticism. There are plenty of snake oil salesmen around who like to exploit peoples loyalty.