The young blonde wanted to fight, she wanted to kick and scream and take out her temper and her anger out on the two, but they were helping her, and she didn't have the energy to fight, she barely had the energy to stand. So she clutched onto Will and Anrah and let them help her into what looked like a dining room. The way there and as she sat on the uncomfortable chair her eyes flickering between the pair she tried to wrap her mind around what they told her. She was a vampire, immortal to a certain extent, but what did that mean? She didn't know why, but a part of her, a small part, was happy about this. She was completely and utterly unsure of who she was or really anything about herself, but she was content with what she had been turned into, even though a part of her was still pissed about it and whoever had done it to her, she was still happy. Her gums ached for a moment as her fangs extended her eyes locking on the cup of blood she grabbed it quickly, inhumanely fast and took large gulps until the cup was empty and she had set it down on its side on the table. She was still starving, but she felt better, she felt stronger, and a bit less cranky. Still for a brief moment she stayed quiet, looking at both Will and Anrah as she slid her tongue over her fangs softly, [b]"I..I don't know my name. I think. I think its Vivi..Vivi Anne..No no its Vivienne."[/b] Her head hurt for a brief moment as she tried to wrack her brain for any more information, she knew her name and at that point that was all. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before looking up at the pair again, [b] Thank you..for helping me. If you don't mind, where are we? And is there anyone else here or are we just here to fend for ourselves?"[/b] It came out fast and curious as she drew her legs into a criss cross and made herself comfortable on the uncomfortable chair.