Name: Alfonse Moriarti Age: 55 Appearance: [img=] Family: Moriarti Relation to Godfather: Himself Role in family: Don Bio: Born in Venice and close to the turn of the century, I was just a young boy when I first saw [i]Libertà Signora[/i] in 1913. I worked my goddamned ass off to fund for this family since I got into this country. Started in a meat packing factory like many teenagers of the time. Once the War kicked off, the arms and ammunition industry blew up, pardon the pun. There was a lot of money to be made off of that whole debacle. 300,000 Americans died and I appreciate there sacrifice because they made guys like me rich... like stupid rich. And with that kind of money, you spread it around to make MORE money; that is my idea of the American Dream. Now that we're done shooting chinks in Korea, business is starting to slow down. I don't know about you but I want to keep making money and if there is one thing that criminal will always need guns. And guess who has those guns... Personality: Ruthless, greedy, stoic, typically calm with occasional psychotic fits, tries his damnedest to be gentlemanly but doesn't always succeed. Relationship?: