Izo heard from behind him the words that people use to get others out of there way, he had just about turned his head to offer a snide comment when the person pushed by him, having obvious difficulty due to the stupidly large bag. Who needs that much stuff? He survived on the bare necessities for many years. He stood rigid, not moving even as she pushed by him. When she almost fell, he made no move to prevent her falling, feeling her warm hand grab into him, before letting out a small gasp and withdrawing. His icy eyes locked on her face, no sign of care or compassion on his face before he hissed, refusing to forgive her," watch where your going you pathetic little girl." Before she could respond, he walked away, walking in a straight line and not diverting his path for anything. He walked into the dorm building, eyes on the surrounding area, pulling his light suitcase behind him. He knew what his room was, and approximately how the building was laid out, and so was pretty confident of how to find it. After a little walking, he walked apon Alex and Kat, rolling his eyes at the girls inability to communicate. He hoped everyone wasn't so damn stupid as everyone else he'd seen. He skirted around the edge, once again not offering help, and walking off. Not long afterwards he found his dorm, stepping inside. The very first thing he did was change the thermostat to be much colder then it already was. He by far prefered the cold, his favorite temperatures are from 60 degree Fahrenheit and below. Anything above was getting on the warmer side for him. It was why he tended to live in cold areas.