Li closed her eyes and took a breath, "Spirit of Lightning, Destruction and Pain I call upon thee to take shelter in my body and become one with my spirit. Come forth... Baal!" She said opening her now glowing eyes as her transformation began. Her ribbon unwrapped itself from her neck and began to wrap around her at a fast rate and it begins to transform into lighting as her whole body glows. The glow fades and she now has scale like armor and her hair is light blue. Two lightning bolts from her body grow and form into two swords for her to wield. She begins to walk through the courtyard looking for victims. Her first victim was found, a boy who jumped out of a bush with a dagger trying to stab her. She stood still until the moment before the knife would reach her, that's when she called upon lightning and moved at super speeds behind him. "Wrong move." She said with a voice that sounded like her own mixed with Baal's voice, a deep scary sounding voice. Li sliced through the boy with ease at two points, his waist and his neck. The blood splattered onto her and stained her swords but the electricity on and around her caused it to evaporate when she focused lightning on the blood spots. "Now who's next?" She asked searching for another victim a smirk appearing on her face as Baal showed through more so than her emotionless expressions.