"Oh, Jesus. This is the worst pain I've felt in a while." I wasn't joking. Despite the hardship of being an officer, I had never felt genuine flames from Hell. I was groaning when I woke up, since I was slammed into the wall behind me. I felt alright, aside from the splitting pain in my shoulders, legs, back and a sharp feeling of nausea. I felt like I needed to puke, but that wasn't a good idea when suddenly a... priest, or clergyman, or whatever the heck they were called came into the building. He didn't seem to notice the destruction of a wall, the threat before and an obvious disregard of human laws. He didn't seem religious at first, though the twinkle of his necklace with a cross indicated otherwise. The figure white hair tucked under a flat cap, as well as a scruffy white beard. While breathing hard and tripping onto a charred crate, I noticed he looked quite old and seemed as if he'd already seen the world at its worst. Determination in his face was mixed with apathy and disappointment in his face. I smeared the soot onto the even, concrete floor which was chipped in several places, losing thought for a second until I saw the kid and other odd guy getting lifted up. The smell of flames lingered and a dull ring still lingered in my ears. Breathing was difficult at first, though fresh air could enter my lungs again after some green rings surrounded us all. Regardless, I still felt like death and let the old man take me to his car. Last thoughts included: [i]fuck you construction crew,[/i] and [i]my car's gonna be pretty far after this.[/i] And then, I woke up on possibly the shittiest bed I have ever slept on, even worse than the one I had in my old apartment. Everything ached, though at least I could breath and see without getting a headache. That, and my nausea was gone. Thank God. "Argh... what a dream. Some cartel's kidnapped me, right?" I mumbled to myself, sitting up and seeing I was the only one actually awake. "Oh, fuck me." As soon as I saw the ritualistic candles, dark room and everyone else in stiff beds, I sighed and rubbed my head. "I still need a job." That was the least of my worries.