After hours of that same fight being repeated in my head endlessly, and, of course, if my body still worked, I would be tossing and turning around on the floor, but then something crazy, and unexpected happened. I woke up. It was amazing that somehow, through some sort of miracle I wasn't dead... though, I suppose that if I was still thinking, I had to still be alive, right? Either way, that dream, let alone the fight that came before it all felt like some sort of eternal torture. Those other two guys were there, and only one of them was awake. This was about the time that I noticed just how horrible and stone-like my bed felt... obviously, I was too busy being amazed at my continued survival to notice such a detail earlier, but now that the wonder of that fact has passed, I groaned, and said "Ugh... I mean, I'm grateful for being alive and all of that, but maybe our savior should have gotten a bed that wasn't made out of solid rock," I then sit up, almost forgetting that a few hours ago some of my spine and all of my ribs were shattered... or something like that. Oddly enough, it didn't even hurt to move, which was appreciated. I finally get a good look around the place, and notice the unlit candles everywhere, as well as the general darkness of the place, and the fact that the room appears to have been carved out of stone, which just made me more suspicious of the bed I was now sitting on. Now that I wasn't getting destroyed by some sort of demon, I finally had time to ask the other guy "So... what's your name?" I kinda figured that I should know, given that we've both been thrown in this place, and given that he tried to help out that last time when we were nearly killed. I noticed what could only be described as a 'window' behind the man, though, it didn't seem to have any glass, making it more of just a hole in the wall. Either way, said hole in the wall revealed that it was somehow very late in the night now, of course, that was accompanied by the cold, which I didn't notice until recently. It was a very cloudy night, but it didn't seem to be raining, thankfully. The view was that of one of the nearby lakes, I couldn't tell which one just from looking at it, though, and there didn't seem to be any buildings between this random place and the lake which was kind of strange. I then tried to figure out which building had a view like this, but after a while, I couldn't come up with any results, though, that seemed to be more or less due to the fact that I couldn't tell which lake was beyond that hole. I then notice a small table at the end of each of our beds that has a strange, glowing rock on it... though, I didn't say anything about it, and figured that the others will notice it soon enough, as well.