No matter how he said it, this phrase right here, is insulting - "However in my country if a woman spoke of the one she was to wed as you speak of him, you would be considered of lower worth than our cattle." That is what Amano is responding to. He finds that particular phrase to mean that that is how Illiendi views his best friend, even though to him, she's done nothing to garner such a judgement. She didn't swear. Calling someone an ass, as in one who is stubborn, is not a swear in my book. I would love to claim that none of myself was in that post, but I simply can't as I happen to agree with Amano on this. I am sorry if it came across like I'm on a crusade or something, and I'm sorry if it bothers you, really I am. I did not mean to. To me, it's all about implication. "He's treated my mother like a goddess, he's gone out of his way to spend time with my sister-in-law, but here, with my best friend, all he can say is she's acting like low born cattle?" I know that to Illiendi the other women may be more important in his eyes, but to Amano such thinks as likening his best friend to bovine is rude and mean. An "I'm sorry" followed up by a "But you some form of lesser creature since you acted like that" is not an sincere apology. He may not have said that he thinks less of women, but you say what he did implies he does not disagree with the sentiment. Laiza is a well spoken women, and very polite when she has to be, but around her friend and lover, she likes joshing around and talking like "One of the guys". It doens't help that her father was a sailor. I seriously don't get where you get the rude from. She calls things like she sees them, and I saw no child there, just someone who's relaxed enough not to "Watch her tongue". I can't help that Amano got upset, I really can't that's his thing. I personally see her pointing out her lover's faults AS a sign of respect. She respects him enough to not sugar coat the facts nor skirt around them. I'll admit, I like Laiza, and hate Amano's mother and sister-in-law. To me they seem weak and pathetic. I'm sorry that I can't come up with a wittier way to put that. It's just the truth through my eyes. Believe it or not, Laiza really like Illiendi. He seems like he would be fun to argue with. She likes that he's unperturbed, at least on the outside, by her less than lady like behavior beyond expressing that he doesn't approve of it, or at least that's the feeling she got. I seriously don't get where you get to fool thing, I really don't. She's happy for her friend, and is a very bouncy person. Amano loves her for that, and that she can be so open with the man she loves, and by Illiendi making it sound like he thinks less of her for aspects he respects, he's torn. I'm pretty sure I'm talking in circles at this point, and I'm contemplating just asking if we could scrub this whole bit out of the RP and not ever have these two meet as it seems she's stepped on some toes and brought some sour feelings between the two of us. . .In fact, I'm asking now, can we just remove this and start from them heading out to eat? I hate that this character I enjoy is just making this RP hell right now. . .And now I'm crying, damnit. . . . .