" Not all serial killers like to take pain as much as they give it, I'm not one of those freaks that like to take it. I like to give it." She twisted her leg left and right trying to relive the pain as much as she could but she just kept feeling a stabbing feeling. When Yosuke began talking about where they might be she had an idea of where." We aren't in hell, we're in some place that was related to that stupid charm that Mayu have us do. If I could get the chance to go back in time I'd bash her head in like I should've done.". Naomi said speaking of murdering her classmate. When Yosuke asked why she should have her corpse be defiled she answered him calmly," Because I've killed many girls and other people who's trust I've betrayed, If I die, then I don't deserve to have respect among the dead, and I didn't mean that, " .As soon as it was 5 minutes Naomi rose from the ground and stood on her own two feet with her leg feeling sore," Everything I've done, was on purpose, I don't count what I have done as a mistake nor do I think my actions are right, I've killed girls that were like me before I became me. Girls that were naive and believed what people told them, girls that thought they could just push their problems on a man they could count as prince charming. " " When my family's car crashed, I crawled out of the burning metal wreck with a different view of the world, a view that anyone and everyone could die at any moment. The first person I've killed was a nurse at the hospital I was being treated at, I strangled him with my I.V and looked into his eyes while he died, and what I saw in his eyes were the same thing I've witnessed in my other victim's eyes they all said " Why me ?" They said it as if they didn't know they would die sooner or later. The worst was a man that told me to kill his wife and let him go Selfish bastard," Naomi told him before she started walking with an odd gait down the hallway slowly ahead of Yosuke.