Schnaps! I forgot aboot tis thread! I must say those of you who have posted in the last few hours have a odd combination of beliefs[quote=darkwolf687] Unionist, Royalist/Monarchist. I also believe in the national dignity, honour and responsibility of the Union to its constituent countries, it's allies, oversea territories, fellow commonwealth realms, Ex-Territories etcI would define myself as a socialist, but I cant be by definition as I support the House of Windsors right to the crown (Indeed, supporting a crown in general is technically anti-socialist). I am generally oriented in that direction however, being for the welfare state and the responsibilities of the crown towards the people. I do of course, also support the responsibilities of the people to the crown. Society is an agreement. You obey the laws, work your hardest and be generally a good person, and you get supported in hard times, protection etc in return. [/quote] I cant help but imagine you in a top hat... [quote=darkwolf687] You obey the laws, work your hardest and be generally a good person, and you get supported in hard times, protection etc in return. [/quote] Is that not what police are for? And what did the Monarch have to work for to gain her position? Nothing but climb out of te womb[quote=Yog Sothoth] It's kind of like how I believe in far taxes but I really don't like liberals and their self righteous dogma. I am also a traditionalist and believe in old fashion aspects of society but I don't like the modern conservative movement, which is why I refer to myself as a centrist, traditionalist, pro government and pro patriotism. My views of patriotism is that real patriots give back to their country and its citizens as a show of their love and pride for their country. I believe that patriotism like with many things in today's world had been hijacked by greedy people who use the word to exploit their country [/quote] As for my opinion on Patriotism, I believe there is nothing inherently wrong aboot it but is used by todays Media to cloud the minds of the people and turn us against our foreign comrades, which at that point is just pure Jingoism[quote=Revolutionary] Brief summary: I align primarily as Libertarian, with many paleoconservative views. I'm isolationist, capitalist, nationalist, firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, a supporter of the flat tax, and pro-almost everything, minus abortion and artificial drugs. Morally against gay marriage and drug use of all kinds, but I believe it is neither my place to judge others nor direct their lives. [/quote] Not very "Revolutionary" of you!