[quote=Kitty] "N-no, I just moved from Great Britain." Emma said jumping off the piano and adjusting her glasses, she back towards the door and just looked at this girl. Something about her made Emma not want to be around her for too long. She stayed silent looking at her [/quote] Cheryl lets out an amused smile at the stare. "What, you only talk when there are no people?" she tried to joke lightheartedly, but there's still something she's more interested in. She decided that she won't beat around the bush any longer. "Look, I'm gonna be honest with you here. You look like this celebrity who was quite a good singer, but she just suddenly disappeared," she explained as she walks closer to Emma. "And now a new student comes in this town who has a slight resemblance, but different hair from this celebrity..." She paused before introducing herself. "My name's Cheryl, by the way.